
Drupal is renowned for its flexibility and scalability, making it a top choice for developers and site builders. One of the most powerful features of Drupal is the ability to create custom content types, which allows you to tailor your website’s content structure to meet specific needs. Whether you’re developing a blog, a product catalog, an event calendar, or any other type of site, custom content types provide the flexibility to organize and manage content efficiently. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the process of creating a custom content type in Drupal, from initial setup to advanced configurations.

Creating a Custom Content Type

Navigating to the Content Types Section

The first step in creating a custom content type is to access the Content Types section in the Drupal admin interface. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Your Drupal Admin Dashboard: Use your admin credentials to log in to your Drupal site.
  2. Navigate to Structure: From the top admin toolbar, click on “Structure.”
  3. Access Content Types: In the Structure menu, click on “Content types.”

Steps to Create a New Content Type

Once you’re in the Content Types section, you can start creating your new content type:

  1. Click on Add Content Type: This button is usually located at the top of the Content Types page.
  2. Fill in Basic Information:
    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for your content type (e.g., “Product”).
    • Description: Provide a brief description of what this content type will be used for.
    • Submission Settings: Configure settings for how content of this type can be submitted and published.
  3. Save and Manage Fields: Click on “Save and manage fields” to proceed to the next step.

Customizing Content Type Fields

Customizing fields is crucial as it defines what information can be captured and displayed for each content item.

Adding and Configuring Fields

In the “Manage fields” tab, you can add various types of fields to your content type:

  1. Add Field: Click the “+ Add field” button.
  2. Choose Field Type: Select the type of field you want to add from the dropdown menu. Common field types include:
    • Text (plain or formatted): For titles, descriptions, and other text content.
    • Image: For uploading and displaying images.
    • File: For uploading files.
    • Entity Reference: For linking to other content types or taxonomies.
  3. Configure Field Settings:
    • Label: Enter a label for the field.
    • Field Settings: Depending on the field type, configure settings such as maximum length for text fields or allowed file types for file fields.
  4. Save and Continue: Click to save the field settings.

Setting Field Properties and Validation

After adding fields, you can further customize them:

  1. Manage Form Display: Rearrange the order of fields on the content creation form by dragging and dropping them.
  2. Configure Widget Settings: Adjust how each field will be displayed and edited. For example, you can change a text field to a textarea.
  3. Field Validation: Set validation rules to ensure data integrity. For example, you can set a text field to be required or specify a minimum and maximum number of characters.

Customizing Display Settings

  1. Manage Display: Go to the “Manage display” tab to configure how fields will be displayed on the front end of the site.
  2. Arrange Fields: Drag and drop fields to arrange their order.
  3. Field Formatters: Choose how each field will be rendered. For example, display an image field as a thumbnail or a text field as plain text.
  4. Save: Click “Save” to apply your display settings.

Managing Content Type Permissions

Proper access control is essential to ensure that only authorized users can create, edit, and view your custom content type.

Configuring Permissions

  1. Navigate to People: From the admin toolbar, click on “People” to manage user accounts and permissions.
  2. Access Permissions: Click on the “Permissions” tab.
  3. Set Permissions for Roles: Scroll to find your custom content type and configure permissions for different user roles (e.g., anonymous user, authenticated user, administrator). Permissions typically include:
    • Create new content: Allow users to create new content of this type.
    • Edit own content: Allow users to edit their own content.
    • Edit any content: Allow users to edit content created by others.
    • Delete own content: Allow users to delete their own content.
    • Delete any content: Allow users to delete content created by others.
  4. Save Permissions: Click “Save permissions” to apply your changes.

Using the Custom Content Type

With your custom content type created and configured, it’s time to start using it.

Creating and Managing Content

  1. Add New Content: Navigate to “Content” > “Add content” and select your new custom content type.
  2. Fill in Fields: Complete the form by filling in the fields you defined.
  3. Save: Click “Save” to publish or save the content.

Tips for Organizing and Displaying Content

  1. Use Taxonomy: Create and use taxonomies to categorize and tag content, making it easier to organize and find.
  2. Create Views: Use the Views module to create custom lists and displays of your content. For example, you can create a view to display all “Product” content types in a grid layout.
  3. Leverage Blocks: Use blocks to place content or views in different regions of your site.


Creating custom content types in Drupal is a powerful way to tailor your site to your specific needs. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create and configure custom content types that enhance the functionality and user experience of your Drupal site. The flexibility of custom content types allows you to capture and display content in ways that are most relevant to your site’s goals.

Experiment with different field types, validation rules, and display settings to fully leverage the power of Drupal’s content management capabilities. Don’t hesitate to explore contributed modules to extend the functionality of your custom content types even further. Happy Drupaling!

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